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Copper Filter Set

Item No: N/A

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Filter your Golden Engineering X-Ray Source with one of WMDTech’s Copper Filters. These filters utilize very high grade Copper to filter out unwanted X-Ray radiation.

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+ Copper Filter Set (1)

Technical Specs

+ 0.032″, 0.040″, 0.062″

+ 99.9% Oxygen Free Pure Copper


Filter your Golden Engineering X-Ray Source with one of WMDTech’s Copper Filters. These filters utilize very high grade Copper to filter out unwanted X-Ray radiation. Choose from one of two types of Filters – either a fitted cap in which the Copper Filters can be exchanged for 1 of 3 different Copper thicknesses, or a one size fits all cap which comes with one set thickness of Copper.


+ Environmentally Sealed to prevent tarnish

+ Fitted cap

+ Screw top for ease of exchange

+ Houses 3 interchangeable Copper widths

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