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The WMDTech LRFC is a long range fiber communication system. The system is a small portable Computer Communication device capable of High bandwidth and long ranges over fiber optic cable.

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+ [ 1 ] 500 ft. Simplex Fiber Optic Cables (combine additional cables for up to 3km)

+ [ 1 ] LRFC Box with built in SD, Micro SD and TF Card Reader with 2 USB ports

+ [ 1 ] Power cable

+ [ 1 ] Pelican Storm Case iM2620

+ [ 1 ] Ricoh Theta 360 Degree Camera w/JOBY GorillaPod (Optional)

+ [ 1 ] Microsoft Surface Tablet, pre-programmed (Optional)

Technical Specs

+ High bandwidth – 1,000/100/10 bps

+ Long range – up to 3,000m


The WMDTech LRFC-X is a small portable Computer Communication device capable of High bandwidth and long ranges over fiber optic cable.

The LRFC-X is USB powered and doesn’t require any additional power source. Using standard Networking protocol, the system integrates LAN Chat with a video and file synchronization program which allows for long range file transfer and communication.


– Built-in SD, Micro SD & TF Card Reader

– USB Powered

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